
The ImpactLab is an initiative of the startup accelerator YES!Delft, with the aim to give student teams the opportunity to gain experience with entrepreneurship and innovation. Multiple projects are hosted, each working within different sectors. Each team is tasked with rapid, application-focused innovation, usually in close contact with real companies and clients. This environment breeds speed and the ability to "get things done."

The Transformative Mobility team is tasked to work with the four-legged Spot robot, designed by Boston Robotics. With the platform given, the challenge is to implement actual applications useful for and requested by companies. Spot's unique locomotion allow it to venture into terrain unsuitable for most robots, and its payload system allow the attachment of additional sensors and even an arm. With so many possibilties, and tight deadlines, quickly understanding the core of a client's problem, and remaining focused on solving it in an efficient manner is critical.

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