
April 20, 2019

The State Level & Conclusion

I don't really know how to start this. So much to tell, and yet I'm not a novelist and this isn't The Lord of the Rings, so I'll keep it relatively short. The state level competition was exhilarating, and I am simply overjoyed that I was able to be a part of it. The tale begins with my arrival in Darmstadt, where the competition was held.

Tags: ROS, Robotics, Competition, Jugend Forscht,
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March 18, 2019

The First Competition

It finally happend: judgement day. I must admit, this post is a bit late, but time was not on my side due to the german Abitur (leaving exams), which are now mostly done. Jugend Forscht, the german equivalent of the Science Fair and the competition I submitted this project to, is divided into three levels: regional, state and national. The competition is also divided into categories (physics, math & computer science, biology, chemistry, technology and workplace), of which I chose to submit my project in the "workplace" category due to it being more of a product than a traditional experiment, and because I felt that the "workplace" category provided a specific focus on the real-world application. In hindsight, it was likely a mistake, since that category might have unintentionally devalued the project, but what is done is done. Anyway, the winner of each category, meaning only first place, is qualified to attend the next highest level.

Tags: ROS, Robotics, Competition, Jugend Forscht,
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November 18, 2018

The Project Heats Up

In the last post, I said I would post again once I had implemented some solution for fire detection and localisation. It may seem like it has taken forever, but there have been some problems along the way. And the project has a few more aspects that need to be completed fairly soon.

Tags: ROS, Robotics, Competition, Jugend Forscht,
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August 18, 2018

Large Steps

It has been some time since my last post, about 3/4 of a year. Since then, much has happened, and I will try to fill in the gaps, so to speak. When I wrote the previous post, I had recieved my Turtlebot 2 and sensors and was in the process of setting up everything. I completed that fairly quickly, and so moved on to the first major goal: autonomous navigation.

Tags: ROS, Robotics, Competition, Jugend Forscht,
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February 22, 2018

Project FireBot: What happend so far...

This is my first entry on this blog. A lot has happened since I started this project in late 2016 (technically I was working on a more basic version of it in 2014, but it was very primitive and I stopped working on it): I have thought myself the basics of ROS, I have convinced a group of companies to sponsor my project, and I've now finally received the last parts. Setup of the parts is still in progress, since some of the ROS drivers I installed are still acting up, but I'm sure that I'll be able to fix those soon enough (more on that later).

Tags: ROS, Robotics, Competition, Jugend Forscht,
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